Saturday, March 31, 2007

Too heavy to fly

Time flies, now a month of this term has
already past; however, the
interview of last term was still clearly in my memory, this week I a
another one. Twice lever 5b, and both the teachers are very good, I
learnt a lot from them. After this week's
interview, I feel like to be all
thumbs, because my
essays' marks are not very high compare to my
classmates'. Though the situation now isn't very good, I have to stick it out.

Fortunately this term I met a lot of new
classmates, friendly, kindly are they helped me a lot.

Together with them I can have a good time,
and this week I also had a dim sum with some of them.

Moreover, Sue taught me a good many grammar
knowledges so I can rich my sentences, and

make my sentences various. After the
interview I knew my writing is quite weak, but the things what

I learn from the class will help. Though I
still need to do more reading and writing to strong my

English, just get knowledges from class is
not enough.
On the other hand, live along by myself is a
great experience which I've never tried before.
Leaving my parents I have to do all the
things myself, and I also can make my own decisions. This
makes me feel like I'm a adult now, and I
will go on grow up in the future.

Tomorrow is a new day, compare to my high
school classmates I'm very lucky, for I have the

chance to study abroad. Now I have to hit the
books. I want to fly, and I believe I can.

Monday, March 26, 2007


Yesterday I watched the NBA basketball game between Toronto Raptors and Orlando Magic.

This trip there were nearly two buses of people drove to the place. We were all very exciting. On

the way I couldn't help imagining what a NBA basketball would like. In the past I usually watch the

game from TV, but things you watch from TV is always different from coming to the game field to


When we reached the centre, the sky was a little dark and the lights lighted brightly around

the buildings. Fortunatelly, I found the right seat quickly, after we arrived there the game had

already started. The place was full of people and people cheered loudly. Now all the lights was

focusing on the players. I am a guy who don't know baskerball very well, but no more than five

minutes I began to cheer with other people. It was heart-stirring after a player's scoring. After a few

minutes of the match there was a break and some people will perform on that place, this made the

game longer. I think it's more like a show than a game.

It was nearly ten o'clock when the game finished, and it was really dark outside I was a littile

afraid. This was the first time I went home alone in evening so I was a little afraid. I walked with the

group of people. Lucky, I found the subway at last. According to my memory I found my way home,

and didn't make any mistakes. I was really tired after I arrived home. Tonight I would have a good

dream, may be I would gream something about the game.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Yesterday I watched the NBA basketball game between Toronto Raptors and Orlando

Magic. This trip there were nearly two buses of people drove to the place. We were all very

exciting. On the way I couldn't help imagining what a NBA basketball would like. In the past I usually

watch the game from TV, but things you watch from TV is always different from coming to the

game field to wathch.

When we reached the centre, the sky was a little dark and the lights lighted brightly around the

buildings. Fortunatelly, I found the right seat quickly, after we arrived there the game had already

started. The place was full of people and people cheered loudly. Now all the lights was focusing on

the players. I am a guy who don't know baskerball very well, but no more than five minutes I began

to cheer with other people. It was heart-stirring after a player's scoring. After a few minutes of the

match there was a break and some people will perform on that place, this made the game longer. I

think it's more like a show than a game.

It was nearly ten o'clock when the game finished, and it was really dark outside I was a littile

afraid. This was the first time I went home alone in evening so I was a little afraid. I walked with the

group of people. Lucky, I found the subway at last. According to my memory I found my way home,

and didn't make any mistakes. I was really tired after I arrived home. Tonight I would have a good

dream, may be I would gream something about the game.

Monday, March 19, 2007

A trip to CN Tower

This Saturday I had a trip to CN Tower. We gathered at Vari Hall, the sun shining brightly on

Saturday morning, it's a nice day for trip. We took the old kind school bus which I've seen before

on TV. All the way I sat quietly and stared at outside, I was attracted by the beautiful scenery.

The sky is so blue, the cloud is so white like cotton candy flow on the sky. On the way the driver

warmhearted introduced us the famous old buildings and the flourishing streets. Finally, we got to

the CN Tower and prepared to enter in.

At the entrance, there are some strange machines which spraied gas to us, I've never seen this

before maybe it's a kind of dust catcher. The elevator fastly took us to the top of the building. What

I've seen from the tall building can be described only with one word-spectacularity! The Lake

Ontario flowed quietly below the line of my sight. The blue lake and sky combined together in far

distance. I crazly took quite a lot of photos there, the beauty made me exciting. Then we went down

for one floor. The most amazing thing there is part of the floor is made from glass! People can

directly see nether things at the height of 553.33m. At first I was so scare that I couldn't even stood

near the glass, then I dared to walk on it and appreciated the the running cars, walking people, and

the "low" buildings on the underside.

Time flies fast, then it was nearly the end of this trip. The sun was going to fall down, it was time

to go back. I was glad to have seen the World's Tallest Building.I enjoied myself this Saturday.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Hi Susan..

I'm Yi...

Welcome to my blog~~

Thanks ∩_∩