Saturday, March 31, 2007

Too heavy to fly

Time flies, now a month of this term has
already past; however, the
interview of last term was still clearly in my memory, this week I a
another one. Twice lever 5b, and both the teachers are very good, I
learnt a lot from them. After this week's
interview, I feel like to be all
thumbs, because my
essays' marks are not very high compare to my
classmates'. Though the situation now isn't very good, I have to stick it out.

Fortunately this term I met a lot of new
classmates, friendly, kindly are they helped me a lot.

Together with them I can have a good time,
and this week I also had a dim sum with some of them.

Moreover, Sue taught me a good many grammar
knowledges so I can rich my sentences, and

make my sentences various. After the
interview I knew my writing is quite weak, but the things what

I learn from the class will help. Though I
still need to do more reading and writing to strong my

English, just get knowledges from class is
not enough.
On the other hand, live along by myself is a
great experience which I've never tried before.
Leaving my parents I have to do all the
things myself, and I also can make my own decisions. This
makes me feel like I'm a adult now, and I
will go on grow up in the future.

Tomorrow is a new day, compare to my high
school classmates I'm very lucky, for I have the

chance to study abroad. Now I have to hit the
books. I want to fly, and I believe I can.

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